Size Chart - Agilite Sub Zero Plate Carrier

The Sub-Zero has a one-size fits all cummerbund and will fit all body types and sizes. The size references the plate bag. The size you choose should reflect the armor plates you are planning to put inside.

Size Medium: This size will fit most plates including 10x12, SAPI Medium or smaller

Size Large: This is for SAPI Large plates or any large plates up to 10.30”x13.25”

Plate bags will fit all plate cuts including: SAPI, ESAPI, Shooters Cut and Swimmers Cut. If you have any additional sizing questions see full sizing instructions below:

Step 1: Measure the width, height and thickness of the ballistic plates you want to use inside your Sub-Zero Plate Carrier:

Step 2: Check what size Sub-Zero plate carrier your plates will fit into:


Plate Bag Size Maximum Width Maximum Height Maximum Thickness
Medium 10.2" (260mm) 12.6" (321mm) 1.25" (33mm)
Large 10.3" (261.62mm) 13.1" (335mm) 1.25" (33mm)