I've used one of these before and wanted one of my own. The Cammenga 27 is not lightweight, it is not feature rich, it ain't pretty, it isn't built like a Swiss watch. But I've had liquid capsule compasses leak and develop bubbles and become unusable. I've had el cheapo dry capsule types that just won't settle down. I've had declination adjustment mechanisms just fail and lock on some unusable setting. I've had heading settings fail in wonderful ways with other compasses. The 27 can't leak or bubble. It's induction damping works. It will point accurately toward magnetic north. The twist bezel won't either freeze up or turn unasked. And I'm pretty sure that if needed I could hurt someone with it without harm to the compass. The 27 is a durable usable ugly investment. It is worthy of trust. What more would I want?
And Offbase is worthy as well. Thanks guys.